Emergency Backup Power

Standby Generator Maintenance and Repairs

When there is an outage in your facility, it can be costly and shut your business down for long periods of time. San Diego Power LLC helps maintain your equipments reliabilty and ensures your emergency backup power is available when needed the most. We service businesses and commercial properties all through San Diego and Southern California with 24/7 emergency backup power services.

What We Provide

San Diego Power is thoroughly equipped and ready to handle your power outages. Our certified technicians know the importance of having an adequate backup power system, especially for pharmaceutical manufacturers, hospitals, power plants, and municipalities.

San Diego Power has you covered when your business is in the midst of a power outage. Our team is always ready to go and assist in your emergencies. We work quickly and effectively to keep your business running smoothly.

Standby Generator Maintenance

Our maintenance programs ensure that our customers are always prepared when emergencies arise. We have customizable maintenance programs to fit your specific needs and facility requirements.

Our Standby Emergency Power maintenance programs can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Diligent full-service/operations contracts
  • 24/7 emergency services
  • Annual and hourly services
  • Load bank testing
  • Coolant and oil analysis
  • Fuel polishing and filtering
  • ATS and switch gear testing and maintenance
  • Plant breaker testing

Get started on our standby maintenance program by calling 619-733-8795.

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